Charles E. Dumont, MD, PhD
Swiss and French Boards Certification in Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology Swiss and French Boards Certification in Hand Surgery


Improvement of the forearm position and stabilization of the elbow following the surgical treatment.

X-rays before and after correction of the bones axes with osteotomies (bone cuts) and internal fixation with plates and screws, and stabilization of the elbow with a ligament reconstruction.

Elbow instability and forearm deformity in multiple osteochondromatosis

(hereditary multiple exostosis)

The strong forearm deformity and elbow instability affecting this 15-years old young lady is due to a rare condition producing several small bone tumor (Osteochondromes). The normal bone growth has been perturbed by the osteochondromes resulting in bone deformity. The elbow is also instable because of the presence of osteochondromes over the insertion of the elbow ligaments. Realigning the forearm bones, removing the bone tumors and stabilizing the elbow will improve the function of the upper extremity.

The deformity of the forearm and instability

of the elbow are obvious before surgery.